Lark company today released new Larklife smart wristbands this product and the latest release of Jawbone like Up and Nike+ Fuelband, are available to help users and healthy life. Larklife can track a user's movement, nutrition, and sleep, and according to the situation analysis of your behavior, to recommend more healthy lifestyle. Hello Kitty Galaxy S5 Case

With other similar products, the Larklife consists of two bands. Sweat wristbands daytime use, soft wrist bands at night. Two bands have the same core, you can capture user activity, sleep and diet information. Larklife Bluetooth 4.0, collect real-time information can be synced to the iPhone or iPhone 4S 5. Now Larklife has went on sale in Apple retail stores, sells for $ 149.99, users can also be purchased through the online store.

Only for iPhone/iPad/Mac

Source: MacX Hello Kitty Galaxy S5 Case
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