During the meeting or other important occasions, take out smart phones to play, even sending important messages are considered to be an act of disrespect to spokesman. However, if there is a new way to let you quickly and cleverly put your index finger a few clicks the thumb will be able to send out an important message or the message, then you will do? After all, this small gesture, few people noticed.
NailO is introducing this new way, and this is a gesture input device installed on the nails, developed by the Massachusetts Institute of technology's Media Lab. Its development team designing NailO's original intention was to allow it to play a role in some special occasions, for example in some gesture or speech input is considered to be rude or inappropriate occasion, or in dealing with both issues.
Teams initially are as inspired by the nail set to work on NailO,NailO equipped with multilayer miniaturization of hardware devices, which can transfer data wireless, connected via Bluetooth and your mobile device or PC.
A small NailO include capacitive sensors, batteries and three separate chips--micro-controller, Bluetooth radio frequency chip and capacitive sensing chips, which will eventually be packaged on your nails. Even so, its weight is still very light. In fact, researchers are still conceived a commercialized version of the NailO, commercial version can meet the needs of wearers feel free to remove.
The research team plans to show the results of their research on the upcoming CHI 2015, this is a human-computer interaction Conference.

NailO is depicted on one application, NailO allows engineers to enlarge the computer printed circuit board design, at the same time can continue welding engineer hands. The Panel also proposed a type of mobile phone applications, allowing users to use swipe gestures on the nail to enter punctuation characters or emoticons, no need to switch keyboards. Juicy Couture uk
In tests of the system, NailO researchers introduced five kinds of gestures, NailO gesture input real time detection and accuracy than the 92%. Scientists acknowledge that want to make NailO a success, you have to ignore some unexpected gesture, and in order to avoid this, them for the NailO added a 2 second press activates, gesture input to function properly when activated.
For the initial prototype product development, the team by printing the copper electrode on the flexible polyester fibers to develop sensors, this way they can more easily to try various electrode layout, in order to find the best solution.
Team plans to commercialize products for a period of around three years of production and sales, and eventually when NailO will finally be able to identify users more gestures, even NailO one day can be a perfect substitute for computer trackpad.
via cnet
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