Last night, science and technology circle to another boil.
The Build2015 Conference held at Microsoft, on the first day that is worth watching, and Office platforms, and across Win10, OS x, Linux, Win10 Visual Studio code unification of three platforms store the initial window, new Windows Spotlight as well as mobile content vectoring can be extended to large-screen device Win10 mobile version of Continuum flat patterns, and so on.
However there's an almost come true for a long time, but when Microsoft announced himself, still makes one Tiger body shake things, is Microsoft's announcement of Android and iOS applications can be ported to Win10 mobile phone.
What does Microsoft do this?
Microsoft explains the principle of achieving this in the field, for iOS apps, you can use Microsoft's Visual Studio refactoring code, conversion can be directly as a Win after 10 applications, Microsoft says that this feature can be achieved on the original iOS application code writing and debugging, and can be Objective c, making it a perfect Win10.
Android application porting is relatively complicated, and it depends on application for Android Java and C++ code reuse to create Win10 mobile phone applications, and in order to achieve this function, Windows Phone will also have built-in Android system.
In the live broadcast, Microsoft also transplanted an iOS games the candy crush on legend and the Choice Hotels App on the Android platform, results show that transplant programs run very smoothly.
Here I want to say is, said Microsoft's unified platform, it really is not blown, it suddenly has three major architecture and the three major platforms ...
Compatibility and transplants, there is a difference between
Applications support other platforms, Microsoft was not the first, black Berry, of Sailfish based on Meego OS Web OS and earlier are doing about it. But the difference is, BlackBerry support Android applications through transplantation, while Sailfish OS is compatible.
This difference between the two is that the transplant is the need to rewrite the original Android application code, such as Win 10 rely on platform Android application code to Win 10, renumbering in Java and C++ languages, and finally building APPX installation package, then realize the transplants. Moschino S5 Case
Worth mentioning is that Microsoft's plan had in fact greatly reduces the development cost of the developer, ported for Win 10 direct mobile application is a universal application, and also, with Windows, some features, such as Cortana and live tiles and so on. And Microsoft also specifically joined has a should is Android simulation device of "subsystem", estimated is to can more simplified transplant Android application of threshold, like solution Android application for software permission of requirements than Windows Phone high out too more of drop, and using so a subsystem, on can convenient developers many work (but due to far not reached listening to up almost is "a key transplant" of so simple, so user also don't too had excited. )
Is compatible, APK Android application installation packages directly to on the phone, you can install and use. In General, usually within their systems to do this using the Alien established Android Dalvik virtual machine environment, take this to run your Android applications.
At first glance a listening to up, seems to compatible to more convenient, because transplant also more has a again prepared of process, regardless of which how simplified, it still cannot avoid--but actually, both of gap actually and no you imagine in the so big, because they by do of, are only counts as is process just, but real assessment success of, is "took to" zhihou of results how.
Can you? Hard to say
For Microsoft, the best result is that we are no longer buying Android and iPhone, and to buy a Windows Phone, which one can cross the three major platforms, coupled with his PC and XBox, and can't get a beautiful picture.
In practice, however, more likely to be happening is the opposite, that is to Win 10 mobile version might say goodbye to native applications because developers may think, Win 10 mobile version is portable anyway, then develop Android and iOS applications far more cost-effective.
This on seems is abstracts magazine and original magazine Zhijian of problem as, because for author for, anyway former is can reproduced of, so author on will more gu with original magazine that a, this is err, and for abstracts magazine for, although it easily of has has himself need of content resources, but it also lost has belongs to himself of original content, and this is not is long-term of meter. Moschino Galaxy S5 Case
That's why the seemingly tasted the sweetness of BlackBerry, its executives will angrily say can't wait to get out the reason Android porting applications, because it lost its charm and soul of your system.
More alone through transplant zhihou, application of experience also may will playing Shang discount, after all because just convenient transplant, so those need mobilization Android and iOS system mechanism of function in transplant Hou usually is cannot achieved of, this on need developers with Microsoft of API replaced Google of API, and this middle can effect to user experience of joint is too more has, especially if eventually transplant came of application than in pure of Android environment in the of experience words, Then transplant is basically meaningless.
Also, also has a main of problem is timing, Microsoft until Win 10 only open transplant, but now Android+iOS has won has near 100% of market share, and system experience being mature, and also began towards other platform expand, may no people will talk Microsoft has, actually if Microsoft in 3 years Qian of Win 8 Shang provides open words odds will is big, but in now, this is hard was hopes.
But I can't say too dead, Microsoft is not, after all, no transfer possible, the key lies in execution, for example, can't we win good relationship with developers, are the key to this strategy, but given Microsoft's move to some extent before the developer's contribution was greatly reduced, this part may lead to deviation from the core developers. Therefore the next Microsoft only by reducing migration costs and allow the last Win in 10 shops may not be enough, you also need to pay real money to developers, but Microsoft can afford the potential for profits? Is undergoing transformation of Microsoft, this may not be easy to decide.
(Illustration from The Verge)
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