In people's minds, skateboard in many cases is more of an extreme sport, said even skateboarding is the originator of the extreme sport too much. In recent years, with the rise of various electric-driven skateboards and skateboard more tend to be about mass entertainment. Post Modern skateboarding was a into entertainment-oriented products, you can see from the picture, and skateboarding as we know it really is different. This skateboard with only two wheels 10 inch wheels and pedals in the wheel.
In fact, skateboard and is not the product of the best description, more appropriate description would be "ring ice skates." This skateboard compared to traditional skateboarding is more difficult to control, and want to learn how to can operate independent of the two wheels, this needs more practice. Official, this also comes with a telescoping pole, consists of two separate parts joined together to facilitate learning.

This skateboard sells for $ 99.95, Post more similar to Modern skateboarding in using twist skateboards on the market, rather than the traditional skateboard. Twist skateboard with two wheels, through a wheel attached to the shaft and twist to get power. Here you should be able to understand the Post Modern is not electric scooters, but on purely human-powered skateboard, through user actions to gain forward momentum.
This shape is cool enough, slide color schemes like "Tron", and small enough in size of Post Modern skateboarding can make you "love at first sight"? Although it does not rely on electricity to drive, may lack a bit of technology, but it can be the perfect means of expressing your individual transport.
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