Bitcoin startups in San Francisco 21Inc new bitcoins computer Bitcoin Computer today began accepting reservations, sells for $ 400, the computer will be shipped starting on November 16, 2015. This computing devices to the coins as a standard feature of Web services and to encourage developers to create products that integrate virtual currency.
21 coins computer production was from Qualcomm, Cisco, and top venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz funding.
VCs andesen·huoluoweici Ben·huoluoweici, founder of the Fund (Ben Horowitz) on the appearance of this product is very excited, he said: "the device is completely lack of make up I think the Internet, allowing device to device between the pay better, the technology's prospects are very broad, but for now there are still a lot of difficulties. " MCM iPhone 6 Plus
21 coins computer can be used to do?
-21 bitcoin bitcoin mine dug up a chip can be used to purchase digital products
-Built-in 21 micropayment servers to sell products, gain coins
-Development of applications, services, and devices that support coins
-Used like a stand-alone computer, or connected to a Mac, Windows or Linux computer equipment.

21 coins computer use Raspberry Pi 2 platform, has a powerful command line interface, 128GB SD card pre-installed block chain full replica and a set of preconfigured bitcoin software. (Block-chain technique is based on the encryption of electronic money systems bitcoin, General recording system and served as unalterable roles. Also, this technology has obvious applicability for financial contracts, also proved to be key pillar of many future uses. IBM said in a report, called a ' chain ' technology for the many logistical issues around the Internet of things "provides a very simple solution." )
21 coins computer bitcoin computer researcher explains:
21 bitcoin computers you can connect a keyboard and monitor, as an independent Linux computer use. Or you can connect to any Mac, Windows PC or Linux machine use. Whatever the use, at the command line, or code, built-in 21 bitcoin chip can give you coins ... You connect a bitcoin network, and connect to the Internet just as easily.
21 coins computer is ideal for buying and selling digital products, you can use it to develop applications that support coins, opened a private digital products store, share your content online, such as online gaming tips. Or you can also provide translation services for coins, sell your photos.
21 bit currency computer is not oriented General user (after all will using bit currency of people also is very minority), this paragraph computer main also is oriented developers, and is achieved company will bit currency conversion became network agreement target of important a step, computer by using of operating system contains has full of bit currency code and related of software, allows development who will bit currency as products of core function.
[Article correction]
Collection is the collection of 1542
Tags:PC and hardware Science and technology , Gadgets MCM iPhone 6 case
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